Monday, August 25, 2008

28 weeks & 42 inches

Do not adjust your monitors, that really is my actual belly these days. I have officially hit 28 weeks with a 42 " waist line. Fascinating what the human body can do, hu? We had another doppler ultrasound today. I love to see those kids swimming, kicking, & waving from within my womb. I just lie there on the table with a big giddy grin on my face the entire 60 minutes. There was good news today, both brains are showing average blood flow, so we aren't seeing any signs of distress or anemia ~ fluids are good, placentas are great, cords are strong, & growth is optimal. Both babies measured in the 60+% for their estimated weights....a hefty 2.5 lbs a piece. In addition, both babies are head down!!!! I feel so blessed to be carrying twins and even more blessed that everything has continued to work itself out time after time. We will continue to do weekly dopplers ~ just to keep a close eye on these little ones, but my doctors are hopeful that we can keep them safe in my belly for at least another 6 weeks. I sure hope so. I want FAT, HEALTHY, HAPPY babies that know how to breathe, suck, & swallow! :) I will continue to send them good vibes each day! We want to thank all of you who remember us in your daily thoughts & prayers. We certainly appreciate all of your love, care, & support. Thanks also to all of our friends who continue to help out with Zoe while we go to 60million doctor appts. We are so lucky to be surrounded by such angels.


Kenn and Natalie said...

I miss you guys! I'm so glad to hear everything is going well and the babies are healthy. You look great, what a cute belly! Keep us updated on everything! Zoe is growing up soooo fast, and she is as beautiful as ever, like her mom.

johnsonfamily said...

You look so great, you're all baby. I'm so glad everything is going well. Isn't it funny how you get so excited every week they're still in there! Just wait until you hit 36 weeks!! Did you get my email, you're probably still trying to get through it.

Anonymous said...

Katie you look fantastic! You are only pregnant in your belly!! Your arms are still tiny and so are your hips!--Yes I analyzed it all! There are very good reasons why my blog does not contain ANY pregnant pics of me! I have hit new records with this ONE. I can't imagine the scores I would get with TWO!! Good luck and we are thinking of you. I hope to meet them one day. We love you!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Wes and Katie!

I love your blog! You're in our prayers! I am so excited you are 28 weeks! You are doing great! Zoe is growing up fast! She's a doll! Keep up the good work and keep us posted. By the way, you look great!

The Chappell's said...

Keep up the good work! Take care of those babies - all three of them.

We sent Connor off to his first day of Kindergarten yesterday - Yay!

Time flies when you're loving sweet little faces - but the flight is great - and the view is beautiful.