3 weeks old
Big sister Zoe sniffing Eli's stinky toes! Ha ha :)
Zoe cracks me up with these kids. She is always doing something funny, and she is constantly trying to help out.
She is such a great kid!
i can't believe it has been 3 weeks since these two crazy kids joined our family. in ways it seems like just yesterday i was pregnant & a size beyond belief....in other ways the whole pregnancy seems like a dream and i feel like eva & eli have always been a part of our family. zoe is adjusting well. she loves to help mom & dad and gives the babies 6,000 kisses a day! she is so full of love and laughter. i feel so blessed to have her little helping hands by my side. speaking of blessed...wes only had to work 5 days this whole month. it has been incredible to have him around to help out & give zbug the extra love & attention she needs right now ~ not to mention all of the help he has given me around the house. i feel really blessed to be a stay-at-home mom at this stage in my life. i am so lucky to be able to devote all of my time & energy to my family. i am grateful that i was born in a country & a time where i have the choice to work outside of the home. i know that the majority of women in the world are not afforded such a blessing. i hope i never take for granted the incredible opportunity & responsibility i have been given to care for these three amazing kids!
What cute kids! I just wished I could hold those cute little babies! I have something for Elijah and Eva, but I'm thinking I should wait until you move, so you have less to move! I enjoy your pictures! Beautiful Babies!
Beautiful family!
They sure do have something great to look forward to. With a friend like a twin around I'm sure they will be close always. Those are great pictures!
Katie--you probably don't remember me but I wanted to tell you that you have a beautiful family. I have loved looking at your blog and seeing your journey with your pregnancy and now raising those precious twins. I still remember when Wendy told me you were pregnant with Zoe--that was a while ago. She was at our house helping with my IV and we started talking about babies, that's when she told me you were expecting. And look at you now, you have three darling kids. I hope you don't mind looking at your blog--ours is private so if you want, send me your e-mail address and I will add you. Take care Katie! :)
Sara (Stephens) Hamilton
They are so adorable! It almost makes me want to go back to those days!:) I love that they cuddle up next to each other, that is just the best. It's fun looking at the pictures and I am so happy that they are doing so well! It looks like Zoe is excited to have REAL babies to play with.
Adorable pictures!! Zoe looks like such a great big sister. She has grown up so fast! You guys have such a darling family!
Darling, darling, darling. I love how yhey snuggle. Zoe seems like she loves her job! Miss you!
Wow! They are so incredibly adorable. I love how they just snuggle up together. So cute. I am sure Zoe is just loving them to pieces.
They look so content - I LOVE THAT!
Can't wait to so you all soon!
We love you!
Chris and Michelle
So what is this about you moving??!!
Your kids are pretty much the cutest ever!!!I hope things are going well. I'm sure you aren't busy or anything right?!
Super Cute!
Your babies are adorable. I am sad I didn't get to see them before you moved. Good Luck! The Westland ward will miss you guys!
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